Associate Professor
Dept. of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management
Oregon State University
Dr. Bailey will be responsible for characterizing the effects of fuel treatments on fire risk and succession, retrospective studies of wildfires in the region, and working with land managers to help develop fuel treatment characterizations in the model.
BS, 1983 Virginia Tech
MS, 1985 Virginia Tech
PhD, 1996 Oregon State University
Silviculture, Fuels and Fire Management, and Adaptive Ecosystem Management
Silviculture Is The Tool for Achieving Many Management Objectives
My research focuses on using traditional and experimental silviculture practices to achieve a spectrum of objectives in a landscape, including commodity production, habitat creation, and ecosystem restoration. The art and science of forest management has not fundamentally changed in the last decade, but the objectives have broadened and become more controversial. This forces our forest management actions to be more creative, complex, adaptive and defensible.
We have initiated research projects to evaluate the role of stand structure and dynamics on fire hazard, mature forest development, sustainable forest management, and post-fire recovery. Our silviculture research considers the broad economic, ecological, and sociopolitical implications on forest